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In these short videos, learn more about the Net Promoter System from the people who live it every day.

Customer Loyalty and the Net Promoter System

Understanding the Net Promoter System

A systematic approach to fostering customer loyalty and employee performance can accelerate profitable, sustainable organic growth.

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Loyalty Insights

The Loyalty Insights Series

Rob Markey and members of Bain's Customer Strategy & Marketing practice discuss key concepts and best practices of the Net Promoter System.

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Trailblazers Videos

Trailblazers Series

What is it like to lead a culture of loyalty? Executives who use the Net Promoter System discuss the cultural change, growth and results they have observed at their companies.

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Trailblazers: Vanguard

Vanguard executives and employees discuss their systematic effort to turn customer "moments of truth" into magical moments.

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FirstService Residential

Trailblazers: FirstService Residential

Simple acts, such as receiving clients' packages, help FirstService Residential build lasting relationships.

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Expert Insights

Expert Insights

Bain & Company partners discuss the role of customer loyalty in industries such as banking, telecom and pharmaceuticals.

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NPS Shorts

NPS Shorts

Fred Reichheld and Rob Markey, authors of The Ultimate Question 2.0, discuss the book and the principles of the Net Promoter System.

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Harvard Business Review Series

Harvard Business Review Series

Fred Reichheld and Rob Markey discuss how companies can strengthen their customer relationships and fuel the growth of their businesses.

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